Rabu, 27 September 2017

Holiday to Ratu Boko temple

Besides Prambanan and Malioboro temples as tourism icon of Jogja, there are still many tourist places in Jogja that you can visit. One of them is Ratu Boko Palace

Istana Ratu Boko is a relic of archaeological sites that are different from similar sites. Many people think that Ratu Boko Palace is just a temple like Prambanan and Borobudur. In fact, Ratu Boko is a former palace complex consisting of several parts of the building

Ratu Boko is also famous as the best place to enjoy sunset in Jogja. Its location in the hills allows it. From Ratu Boko we can see the landscape of some city of Jogja. The environment around Ratu Boko is very beautiful and well maintained. Before you decide to go to Ratu Boko, it's good to know the important things about Ratu Boko

1. Very Large Ratu Boko Complex

Perhaps there are still many who thought that Ratu Boko was just a temple building. The fact is, Ratu Boko is a vast palace complex. The total area of ​​this complex reaches 250,000 m² which consists of four parts: Central, west, southeast and east. You will find this information from the information boards located near the entrance gate

In these parts there are buildings that complement the palace complex. This palace complex just has a little temple. In the center of this complex you will find the main gate as the entrance of the complex, field, pool, paseban and burning temple. In the southeast include pendopo, several halls, 3 temples, ponds, and Keputren complex. In this complex there is also a stone cave located in the east. While the western part of the complex is just a hill. From here you can see the magnificent Prambanan temple

2. Weather In The Day Very Hot

If you intend to explore all parts of the vast complex of Queen Boko, it is advisable to wear clothing that is easy to absorb sweat. Should avoid black clothes. Wearing a cotton T-shirt is the best choice.

Because the weather during the day was very hot, you should wear sunglasses if it intends to navigate all parts of the complex so as not to glare. If necessary, use sunblock to protect skin from sunburn. Although very hot, but the atmosphere here feels very beautiful. Around the complex has also provided many gazebos that can be used to rest

3. Queen Boko Provides Admission In Two Packages

Ratu Boko is very famous as the best spot to enjoy the sunset in Jogja. One thing you should know if you want to enjoy the sunset at Ratu Boko is about the price of admission

Ratu Boko provides tickets in two categories / packages. For regular category it costs Rp25.000 (includes parking). This category ticket is valid from open until 3pm. After three o'clock in the afternoon the ticket will enter the second category ie sunset. The price is much more expensive than regular tickets. Ticket price for sunset package is Rp100.000

So, if you intend to enjoy sunset at Ratu Boko with regular price should come between at 2 and 3 with consequence have to wait a bit long.

4. Ratu Boko, Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple Managed by the Same Company

The management of Ratu Boko Palace is handled by a SOE, PT Taman Wisata Borobudur Prambanan Ratu Boko (www.borobudurpark.co.id). In addition to Ratu Boko, this company also has the authority to manage the Borobudur temple and Prambanan temple

Admittedly, the management at Ratu Boko Site looks very professional. All facilities are neat and clean. For example, toilets are often used as an indication of the quality of a tourist attraction. The toilets available at Ratu Boko look very clean and tidy. Similar to a mall or something. Ticket management is very neat. In fact, entrance ticket to Ratu Boko complex already using smart card although not yet seen maximal. In addition to the complex Ratu Boko Palace as the main object, in the vicinity of this tourist attraction there is also an outdoor restaurant and a meeting place

Unfortunately, this manager's effort is not followed by the visitors. Still there are some irresponsible visitors who perform vandal actions by scribbling the collection of sculptures and other buildings in this complex

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