Kamis, 28 September 2017

Complete Info Punthuk Setumbu, Best Spot Seeing Sunrise Near Borobudur Temple

Magelang is one of the regencies in Central Java which is directly adjacent to Jogja Province, this makes tourists consider some tourist attractions in Magelang located in Jogja, such as Borobudur and Punthuk Setumbu

Speaking of Punthuk Setumbu, this time Brobali.com will discuss about this one tourist spot.

Punthuk Setumbu is the name of a hill that is located in Magelang regency, which is a most popular tourist attraction to see the sunrise with views of Borobudur Temple which is shrouded in mist.

What's Interesting in Punthuk Setumbu?

Tourism Object Punthuk Setumbu Magelang is located about 4 kilometers west of Borobudur Temple, making Punthuk Setumbu the best spot to see the sunrise around Borobudur Temple.

Unfortunately many think the location of Borobudur and Punthuk Setumbu temple is located in Yogyakarta, it is because most tour packages here come from Yogyakarta.

One of them is the tour package from Hotel Manohara which is very famous especially among tourists abroad, but actually the second location of this tour is still included into Magelang regency, Central Java.

Apart from the misunderstanding, in fact Bukit Punthuk Setumbu which has a height of approximately 400 mdpl this does have a very fascinating view of anyone who visited.

Even many who say if the scenery in Punthuk Setumbu similar to the scene in Bagan, Myanmar you know.

The main activity that can be done in Punthuk Setumbu is to see the beautiful sunrise with the background of Borobudur Temple, even if you are lucky at certain times we can see the sun rising right in the middle between Mount Merbabu and Merapi.

Plus the cheap ticket prices make Punthuk Setumbu as a prima donna sunrise hunter in Magelang and surrounding areas.

If you do not want to bother driving in the morning to see the sunrise at Punthuk Setumbu, you can also stay around the tourist area Punthuk Setumbu.

In Punthuk Setumbu own area have many lodgings in the form of traditional houses that you can rent, so no need to bother to hurry to this attraction so as not to miss the sunrise.

To get to the top Punthuk Setumbu, you are required to walk for approximately 20 minutes, although short but the path to the summit is quite draining, because we have to walk in the dawn where the air was quite cold and the body is still in a state of weakness.

But calm down, if you do not want to walk, you can rent a motorcycle taxi or ride a bike to the top.

The History of Punthuk Setumbu Hill

Initially, Punthuk Setumbu is one of the hills included in the cluster of Menoreh Mountains. Formerly this hill is a field of inhabitants.

But after a photographer captured the sunrise image with Borobudur Temple view that looks beautiful when shrouded in mist, this hill even more famous and eventually became one of the popular tourist attractions in Magelang and Jogja.

Once you reach the peak you will find many other tourists from different countries waiting for sunrise, at around half past six, the sun will rise.

That's when we can see the natural beauty of Magelang Regency that is shrouded in mist, slowly Borobudur temple began to look with a thin mist covering it.

The view of the sunrise on the hill Punthuk Setumbu indeed very spoil the eyes of anyone who saw it, especially if the weather was sunny.

Then you will get a very beautiful view of Borobudur temple with the background of merbabu volcano and the mountain of Merapi behind it.

Punthuk Setumbu Hill Peak is not extensive, but at the top has provided gazebos and chairs for tourists who want to rest, so it is advisable to come early so you do not run out of places.

This cool tourist attraction is also often called by the name of Borobudur Nirwana Sunrise Punthuk Setumbu, in addition to this Magelang tour is also very suitable for visitors to you lovers of landscape photography because of the natural beauty it offers.

Well, once satisfied to see the natural beauty of Magelang Regency of Punthuk Setumbu, please fill the stomach and relax first, then you can go to Church Hill Chicken Rhema.

This attraction is quite popular among tourists, especially young people, plus the Church Chicken has also been used for filming location AADC movie.

Chicken Church Building is actually shaped a Bird, well, at the top of the area (in the head) we can see the natural scenery around which looks green nan beautiful, from here we can also see Punthuk Setumbu hill earlier.

To get to the Chicken Church, there are two choices of paths, first we return to the parking lot by passing the initial lane to pick up the vehicle and headed to the location of the Church Chicken.

Or we can trekking through the forest directly to the Church Chicken with a distance of about 1km.

Well, if you choose trekking through the forest, to return to the parking lot, from the Church Chicken we can ride motorcycles.

For those of you who bring small children it is not recommended for trekking through the forest, it would be better if you go back to the parking lot and use private vehicles.

  • Lodging
  • WC
  • Parking lot
  • Motorcycle taxi to the summit
  • Mosque
  • Food stalls
  • Gazebo
  • Viewer (Spot Photos)
  • Camp Ground
  • And many others

Entrance Ticket Punthuk Setumbu:
Rp. 15,000 / person

Opening hours :
Dawn - 5:00 pm

Accommodation (Lodging)
In tourist area Punthuk Setumbu already have lodging in the form of house of citizen which is rented, but if you do not want to stay at inn.

You can camp on the hill Punthuk Setumbu, but the area is not too wide, or you can also stay at the Hotel around the tourist attractions, one of which is Hotel Manohara.

  • Address; Kuraha Hamlet, Karangrejo Village, Borobudur District, Magelang, Central Java.
  • 20 km from downtown Magelang via Jl. Magelang-Yogyakarta (33 minutes)
  • 4 km from Borobudur Temple via Jl. Ngaran Kidul (11 minutes) 
  • (estimated travel time if there are no constraints)
Route Towards Punthuk Setumbu Magelang
From the front of tourist attractions Borobudur Temple, you can head towards Hotel Manohara, then straight up towards the Menoreh Hills. Not far from the hotel there are directions reading Borobudur Nirvana Sunrise. Just follow the directions until you reach the tourist site Punthuk Setumbu.

Tips On Vacation To Punthuk Setumbu Magelang:
  • come during the dry season in order for you to get beautiful scenery with sunny weather.

  • the best time to vacation in Punthuk Setumbu is on weekdays (Monday-Friday), precisely at the dawn (sunrise), when you come on weekends or holidays, then get ready to feel the peak Punthuk Setumbu crowded by tourists
  • bring a DSLR camera to get the best photos.
  • do not throw garbage carelessly and always obey the rules yes.
  • use comfortable footwear for outdoor activities, because we will trekking to the top by walking on the terrain.
  • very suitable to be visited by the lovers of landscape photography.
  • the journey to the summit takes approximately 15-20 minutes, depending on your walking speed.

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