Jumat, 24 November 2017

13 Character, Nature and Habit of Javanese

13 Character, Nature and Habit of Javanese

Indonesia is a country rich in diverse cultures. Each region must have different customs and traditions, such as the habits of the Sundanese, the Habit of the Maluku or Betawi. These habits and traditions then become distinctive features for the people of the area.

The people of the Tribe of Java, for example, are famous for their politeness, manners and gentleness. This is characteristic when they mingle with other tribes. These are the basic characteristics derived by their ancestors. Although, of course, not all Javanese have these positive qualities.

Nature and Javanese Habits

The following are some of the traits and also the habits of people from the Javanese tribe, written based on direct observation and indirect observation.

1. Shy, Rather But Like To Say Hello

Maybe you've met a Javanese who just smiles and nods when passing by. Basically Javanese are shy and shy especially when they are in a totally new environment.

They like to say hello, but usually rarely dare to start a conversation. Try to start a conversation with him. Because actually they are the people who are engrossed when invited to share or talk at length.

2. Clever Keeping Ethics and Courteous

Javanese people are polite, both against the elderly or against others, They are also good at maintaining ethics when mingling in a social environment.

Submitting the body when walking in front of an older person has become a habit for the Javanese community as a form of respect, manners, and courtesy. This ducking posture is also a sign that a person really appreciates and can position himself.

3. The Javanese are Hard Workers and Conformists

When reviewed within the scope of the company. The Javanese are the best workers. They do what they should do, never complain and are dedicated to what is charged to them.

Javanese people are also disciplined in time and the experience of writers hanging out with the Javanese, they have never been all sorts in his life. When receiving a monthly salary for example. They rarely waste money to buy something that is unnecessary.

They are more interested in saving or sending money to their parents or relatives in the village. And that is one of the things that writers liked from them.

4. Life Flows Like Water

This is actually still related to point number 3. People from the Javanese tribe looks like embracing the philosophy of life flowing like water. Living life as if no load and dependents.

In the author's mind. They are like having an understanding. "Life is important can eat, worship and can support the family". They flow as if they do not think of anything else. Hmmm, Either that's something the author should say as negative or positive.

5. Accepting It Is

Another thing that the author likes from the Javanese is his attitude that accepts what it is. Especially in terms of relationships. They accept any situation from their partner. As long as they like each other and feel fit. Furthermore, direct marriage and form a family.

6. Liking, Calm and Avoid Conflict

In the family, they are the ones who like to give up. This is of course a positive value in the harmony of a household. So, For you who are looking for a life partner. Consider the Javanese in your dating search list.

7. The Javanese are easy to get along

The people of Java are flexible. Easily mingle with people from other tribes even though they are a bit shy and hesitant. The politeness and friendliness of the Javanese people keeps people happy with them.

8. Style and Tone Speaks Polite

As is known, the Java language is a language that has a smooth strata, medium and rough. The Javanese, especially those from Yogyakarta, Solo and Semarang are known for their softness and softness.

9. Maintaining Tradition and Culture

Lots of traditions that originated from the ancestors of Java is still sustainable and done until now. Some of these traditions are symbols of an important event in the past or a form of gratitude that is framed in an event.

10. Muluk / Puluk

The term 'puluk' or 'muluk' may be foreign to our ears, even though we ourselves are Javanese. Puluk or muluk is the habit of eating by hand.

This Javanese custom has been handed down for a long time and to this day there are still many of our people who preserve it. Eating food using hands is more enjoyable; especially if while sitting lesehan (sitting on the ground / floor with a base under it).

11. The Javanese are Friendly

Although it is rarely found in the life of society today, there are still few people who uphold the wisdom. For example, while visiting a village, the village community welcomes us kindly and entertains us with their best variety of dishes.

You must have experienced this experience while visiting in a house in the village. Of course this wisdom is rarely or even not found in urban life. That is right?

12. The Habits of the Javanese (Many 'Banned')

Never heard the expression prohibition 'ora ilok'. This phrase, in Javanese, contains the message / moral values ​​and manners for the people of Java. The phrase has the meaning of 'forbidden to commit acts that violate the uploads or the value of decency'.

For example: 'Ora ilok mangan karo ngomong' which means 'not to eat while talking' because it can cause choking.

13. Likes to Help and Mangan Ora Mangan Sing Important Gathering

Sentence Manganese ora mangan sing important gathering which means eating not important meal gathering, maybe we often hear. Javanese philosophy is very famous when interpreted widely, can be interpreted as people who like to gather, help each other and mutual help without expecting a reward.

Thus 13 Nature, character and Habits of the Javanese that we can convey in this article. The rest of this paper is written based on the author's 'observation' only.

Source: salamadian.com

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