Jumat, 17 November 2017

Heaven on earth, here are 7 most beautiful natural ponds in the world

Heaven on earth, here are 7 most beautiful natural ponds in the world

Nature creates a variety of beauty that will not be consumed by the human eye. Starting from the towering hill cloaked in a rainbow of colors, pink lake, scenic river that looked magical, or even dense forest that turns reddish in the fall.

Among the many beautiful places on earth, this time we will discuss about the most beautiful natural ponds. There is a sinkhole (hole collapse), lagoon, or billabong with stunning views.

1. Terme di Saturnia - Italy

Terme di Saturnia touted as one of the most beautiful natural hot springs in the world. This hot spring is one of the mainstay attractions in Tuscany, Italy. It's in the town of Manciano, not far from the village of Saturnia.

Terme di Saturnia consists of beautiful terraced pools. Each contains a warm water bluish known nutritious. Views of the surrounding countryside also looks beautiful.

The hot springs of Terme in Saturnia are sourced from the spring on Mount Amiata that runs down to Maremma. It is said that the hot springs were formed thanks to the throwing of lightning from the hands of the god Saturn. The tremendous thunder crashed into the crater of the volcano which overflowed and blended with river water.

2. Queen's Bath - Hawaii

The uniqueness of Queen's Bath in Kaua'i island, Hawaii is so obvious. The form of a swimming pool formed from a collapsed hole in the seaside loose. Surrounded by frozen lava rocks like a luxurious traditional spa. The source of the water comes from the tidal waves that are trapped in the pond. Reported Hawaiian Style Organization, at the pool was also formed small ecosystems contain a variety of marine animals, ranging from ornamental fish, sea urchins, and a type of angelfish called ghost fishing by local residents.

Actually the first pool called Queen's Bath is located in Kalapana. Once the place is destroyed by volcanic eruptions, the collapse hole in Kaua'i is called Queen's Bath. But this pool was used to be used by the nobles to soak and release stress. Now not only the nobility, anyone can have a romantic getaway here.

3. Kaminoko Ike - Japan

Kaminoko Ike or the children's pool is a small lake that became one of the mainstay attractions Hokkaido. This beautiful place is in Kiyosato-cho area, near Ura Mashu (Lake Mashu).

The area of ​​the lake is only 220 meters, while the depth is not more than 5 meters. But the water is very clear, so the trunk of a dead tree in the bottom can be seen clearly. Uniquely, the water temperature constant Kaminoko Ike throughout the year, which is 8 degrees Celsius making the tree trunk that fell to the bottom of it does not rot.

4. Bimmah - Oman

The real bimmah is a hole in the middle of the barren land of Muscat. But not a few who call it as a well and the most beautiful natural pond in the world. It is part of The Hawiyat Najm Park.

The 40-meter wide pool with a depth of 20 meters is known for its beautiful turquoise water. There also live a collection of small fish who like to gather around the visitors legs.

According to a growing myth in society, Bimmah was formed because of meteorites that fell centuries ago. But it can not be ascertained whether the myth is true.

Bimmah is a popular tourist destination for Muscat residents. Most come there to enjoy the uniqueness of the natural formation.

5. Hamilton's Pool - United States

Of course not without reason if Hamilton's Pool nicknamed the pond of heaven. The swimming pool has all the beauty of this nature, ranging from scenic green water, beautiful stalactites hanging from the ceiling of the cave, up to 5 meters high waterfall that constantly pouring out.

The pond that formed thousands of years ago was surrounded by limestone rocks that form a semi-enclosed pond. Some bird species also live there. Not to forget a number of rare flora such as mock-orange canyon, red bay and orchid chatter box.

Hamilton's Pool is located about 37 miles west of Austin, Texas. This place has become a favorite tourist attraction for local residents and foreign tourists since the 1960s.

6. Cenote Ik Kil - Mexico

Ik Kil Cenote is touted as one of the most beautiful holes in the earth and the entrance to another world. Beautiful pool with dark blue water is one of the sacred pool for the Maya in the past. The location is not far from the ruins of the center of Mayan civilization, Chichen Itza.

The surrounding community named it the 'sacred blue cenote'. For since the time of Mayan civilization this place is used as a marker of time and is believed to be the entrance to the spirit realm. But the tourists do not hesitate to enjoy the beauty of Cenote Ik Kil with a swim or just sitting on the edge.

7. Angel's Billabong - Indonesia

If Mexico has a cenote with magical scenery, our country has a natural pool called a billabong belonging to the angels because it is so beautiful. This is Angel's Billabong, a hidden tourist attraction in Nusa Penida, Bali.

Angel's Billabong is a dead-tumbled river at the edge of the sea. One of the rivers that flows on the mainland of Nusa Penida is trapped in small niches, forming a clear temporary pond.

Looking at Angel's Billabong from the rocks alone we've been treated to incredible scenery. The water that filled the billabong pavement looked turquoise. If the sea water is receding, tourists are even allowed to bathe in the natural artificial pond. It feels like soaking in the best infinity pool. Cool yourself while looking at the open sea that lies ahead. No wonder this place became one of the tourist spots most sought after by tourists.

Source : MERDEKA

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