Kamis, 28 September 2017

Pink Beach Lombok, The Flow of Heaven Falling to Earth

Lombok Island, hearing the name of a small island located in Central Indonesia, you will surely imagine an island surrounded by beautiful beaches. no wonder, the beautiful island with the nickname "Pulau Seribu Masjid" has an amazing beach panorama. The beauty of the beach is identical to the sand, black sand beaches may be commonplace, white sandy beach is certainly very beautiful, but what about the pink sandy beach ??? Certainly incredible. In some parts of the world many coastal tourist areas that have a unique sand, one of which is on the island of Lombok.

The beauty of the existing coastal island of Lombok, almost spread throughout the district, including those in the district east of Lombok Island which has Moto Patuh Karya, unique and beautiful tourist destinations become the main attraction.

The Cannon of the Dutch Colonists in the Past (c) google.com

Type of Rock in the Pink Beach Lombok (c) google.com
Pink Beach Atmosphere in the Morning (c) google.com

Many beautiful beaches in Lombok whose name is not familiar to tourists. One of them is Pink Beach in Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. The original name is beach tangsi, but because of its pink beach sand, gradually this beach is also famous for its pink beach name.

Geographically, Pink Beach Lombok is located almost at the southern tip of Lombok Island. It takes us about 2.5 hours to get to the location, from downtown mataram, while from the international airport lombok takes 1.5 hours to enjoy the beauty of this beach. To reach the location of the beach is needed the struggle, this is because the path to the location of a street that is still traditional, and requires immediate repair. you also must be extra careful when driving a car or motorcycle. The route to Pink Beach is, we seemed to split the protected forest sekaroh, tropical air was greeted. On the right and left of the road we can enjoy the view of the trees that are soaring.

After a long journey, we finally found directions to the pink beach location, which is adjacent to one of the local traditional village schools.

The journey to the main location closer, makes us will be more curious how the beauty of pink beach that became a new belle in Lombok Island. the beauty of the coast and the sea has started to look from a distance.

It is hidden, down from the main road, we still have to travel 200 meters, and down the dirt road to reach the fragment of the hidden paradise. Tiredness was paid off with a beautiful view of the beach. our eyes glued to the clear sea water with a charming pink sand.

This beach was previously known by the name of beach tangsi. The name of the barrage is said to have originated from the former Japanese period, where the beach was used as a barracks by Japanese soldiers who had just landed. the barracks itself means dormitories or barracks. In the past, the beach is located in Jerowaru is also just a transit beach for the fishermen. This pink sandy beach on Lombok Island is the second pink beach in Indonesia.

Pink beach has its own charm because of the uniqueness of the color of sand, the sand on this beach looks pink. Pink color on the sand beach is due to white sand that blends with the grains of coral reef red, and effects reddish after mixed with sea water, then reflections of sunlight and exposure to sea water to make the pink color on the sand is increasingly visible. This red coral reef grows in the shallow seas of tangsi beach and is carried by the waves to the edge.
The color of pink on the sand of this beach is very varied, the morning 20-30%, 50% daytime and the afternoon, the color will be seen clearly, between 80-90%. wah really very charming.

The naturalness and cleanliness of this beach is well preserved, this is what causes us to be comfortable. A light breeze fresh, supported by the sun shining bright, always accompany when here. A quiet atmosphere is perfect for calming the mind after a week on the move, really, Tangsi Beach is like "the splinter of heaven on earth".

In addition to the enchanting beach, not far from the pink beach area there is a cave of Japanese relics, on the hill side of the middle pink.gua beach this japanese heritage has a length of 50 meters with a height of 1.5 m.

Apart from being a hiding place during World War II, this cave is a place to stalk the enemy because of its strategic location and overlooking the beautiful pink beach.

The pink beach offers stunning views, beside the unique pink sand, and surrounded by tall cliffs. the waves are calm and small, so you can splurge swimming or snorkeling in this area. The beach is also flanked by 2 hills that jutted out like a bay.

From the two sides of this hill, we can enjoy the pink coastline as a whole as the sea breeze, and the sound of the waves is very impressive to make all amazed. Beach tangsi which is now turned into a pink beach is one of the belle of Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara. Many tourists come to enjoy the fragments of the hidden paradise that is on this earth.

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