Jumat, 17 November 2017

Not just diving, this is what you can do when to Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat Papua, Indonesia

What dreams can play in Raja Ampat, Papua? Just a short distance away, even for direct flights to Jayapura once. But the beauty of the islands will treat the feeling of tired to the deepest niches, making many people wishing to go there and enjoy the beauty of his underwater. Eits but Far-far to Raja Ampat, the loss if only dive under the sea. The charm of the beach, cliffs and cultural tours is also amazing.

Yes, Raja Ampat is not just about the underwater world. There are many ways to enjoy it.

Climbing Cliffs Coral Island Harfat Peak

Harfat Peak is hidden in the beauty of the waters of Misool. If you've been choked with the blue from the bottom, try climbing the top of the cliff. Spot itself was only discovered in 2012 by a resident of Harapan Jaya Village, Misool, to see the scenery from above. Different from the first moment found, the path to Harfat Peak now tends to be easier to climb. Just 30 minutes, and see the sight of Misool lying beneath your feet. Like what? Prove yourself when you get there.

Hunting Mysterious Beach

Under the sea, Raja Ampat occupies many ranks in comparison to the wealth of other countries. Make no mistake, the charm of Raja Ampat also exist at sea level. Be a witness to the interesting natural event there is the emergence of Sand Timbul Beach that looks when the sea is receding. The most famous rare sand destinations usually go to Mansuar Island, about 1 hour drive from Waisai. The landscape formed by the emergence of this embossed sand is really cool to immortalize.

See Beauty Salon Pari Manta

The name of the place is the Pari Manta Washing Station, but that does not mean you can bathe the giant stingrays here. The word 'washing' can not be separated from the habit of manta rays whose myths like to bathe for hours. Maybe a little reminiscent of a couple who like to linger in front of the glass. Uniquely, manta rays are cleaned by small fish clustered, cleaning manta rays, one by one. Not only amaze, but also invite a smile.

Raja Ampat Cultural Attractions Make It More Enchanting

Not every time traveler can see the cultural attractions of Raja Ampat. If lucky to be in the right time, there is a big party that displays a variety of cultural attractions of the local community. These rare moments can see the original Raja Ampat tribes gathering to showcase the dances accompanied by their distinctive musical instruments, making the time pass by enjoying it as if lost in dreams.

However, do not say, "What dream can a holiday to Raja Ampat?" Because you can make it happen with Pond's Men Energy Charge Beach Ready Limited Edition. Here's a male face cleanser that contains Coffee Bean Extract & Cooling Menthol to help fight dull skin due to sunlight, to make skin look brighter, energized, and feel fresh instantly. Make you more comfortable enjoying #TripLelakiMasaKini in Raja Ampat though exposed to sunlight!

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